Maria Cosway


All information reported in this website, even though as a result of a conscientious research and thorough examination, represents a mere contribution that we give to our visitors as a free choice. As in common use, we disclaim all responsibility with reference to it. The photos are mostly taken from Internet, so they are to be considered as public concern. If the authors have some objection about their use, they can point it out to our attention and we will take prompt steps to remove them.
All contents of our website are subject to a “no responsibility” clause, to a notice related to Copyright and in accordance with the terms of privacy policy.

1. Abstract
The Maria Cosway Foundation (“Foundation”) owns this website (“Site”) in order to supply information and to improve communication. The website provides especially news and general information about Maria Hadfield Cosway. Under no circumstances will the Foundation be considered responsible for problems related to the access or the correct display of the site contents.

2. Site Contents
All information published in this Site can contain mistakes or omissions, or rather it cannot be updated. The Foundation can change, remove or update, at any time and without notice, any information or any material published in this Site. All information published in this Site is supplied only with aims focused on knowledge and the Foundation cannot be bound to any terms. Under no circumstances will the Foundation be considered responsible for news, information and data published in this Site by the third party.

3. Agreement of the Terms of Use
The access to this Site and its use by the visitors (“Visitor”) is subject to the present Terms of Use (“Terms”), as well as to any future adjustment or integration of them. By using this Site, you agree to the Terms and you consent to be bound by them. If you do not agree to the Terms and do not consent to be bound to them, then you must abstain from using this Site.

4. Adjustments
The Foundation has the right, at any time and without notice, to adjust the limits and the estimations of the Terms, or to lay down new limits or estimations with reference to the access or the use of this Site. These adjustments and integrations, once published, become effective immediately. The Foundation has, also, the right - at any time and without notice – to close this Site or to exclude from the Site itself any product or service contained in it, or rather to interrupt, at its own discretion, the access to this Site to some Visitor, with or without a reason.

5. Prohibition to damage or tamper this Site
Visitors are forbidden to interfere by any means within the software or the functionality of this Site and the Visitor is not allowed to insert material which can contain virus, time bombs, trojan horses, worms, cancelbots or any other component that could damage or interfere within the system.

6. Third Party Linked Sites
Online links with other Internet Sites, owned by the third party, do not constitute assent or approval by the Foundation in relation to their contents, or the policies or the practices carried out by them.
Online linked Sites are not the property, or under control or management of the Foundation, which isn't therefore responsible for their availability, their contents rather than their policies or the practices carried out by them. Online links to other Sites are provided for the convenience of the Visitor who enters them at his sole risk.

7. Responsibility Restrictions
By no means, will the Foundation be responsible, in force of contractual or extra-contractual terms, towards the Visitor as towards the third party, for any damage, direct or indirect, consequential, incidental, special or of any kind, in any case, depending on the access or the use (whereas the inability to access or use) of this Site or the linked Sites.

8. Warranty Exclusion
The Foundation does not provide warranties or insurances of any kind concerning this Site, any linked Site or their content. Moreover, the Foundation does not give warranty and neither any assurance that the access to the Sites or the use of them will be continuous, rather than without mistakes or omissions or that the Sites will be without virus or other dangerous elements.

9. Intellectual Property Rights
The Visitor must know that the Software in use in this Site, its configuration, display, screen shots and all information and material that it displays, or that in any case are part of the Site content, are subject to several Intellectual Property Rights, including national and international copyrights, trademarks and privacy rights. The Foundation reserves the widest right and the guardianship in matter of Intellectual Properties, including the right to be entitled to any damage, cost or outlay, anyhow depending on the violation of Intellectual Properties. The Visitor acknowledges and recognizes that all articles published in this Site are provided, in general, by occasional contributors, by the third party and/or by other Visitors to the Foundation.
The Visitor recognizes that the Foundation gives admittance to contents that are covered by copyright or other Intellectual Rights, and recognizes also that these rights are valid and protected for any media and that the use of the contents is governed by the laws and the actual policy in matter of copyright.
The Visitor recognizes that no copy, transmitting, publishing or commercial exploitation of the articles covered by copyright, can be admitted without the prior permission of the copyright owners and that he cannot acquire any property right on the articles that have been downloaded or printed from this Site. The Visitor is bound by not copying or not reproducing, directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, the Intellectual Properties by any means and by any form without the prior written permission of the Foundation. In any case, the Foundation permits the Visitor to copy the Web pages into his computer and for personal use, without distributing, publishing or transmitting any information contained in these pages, or any commercial purpose. It being understood what is shown above in this article, other trademarks and/or Intellectual Properties and pieces of information, that are contained in this Site, could be under the third party rights. The Visitor is bound to abide by and not to invade, by any means, these rights.

10. Privacy Policy
Any communication or material transmitted from the Visitor to the Site by e-mail or in any other form, will be under the policy of Law 196/03 (“Italian Law on Privacy”). The Visitor guarantees that all the data communicated is correct and updated and is authorized to pass it to the Foundation, which will be authorized, in its turn, to use it; in any case that the data communicated does not invade the intellectual property right of the third party.

11. Governing Laws
The Terms are subject to Italian Law and in case of dispute the Court of Milan is the one in charge.


Fondazione Maria Cosway   Via Paolo Gorini, 6   26900 Lodi   C.F. 84511920153
